Friday, January 13, 2017

Week #1- Climb the Ladder

Today's post is one inspired by a piece of advice I received from my dad when I got home from my mission about a year and a half ago. It is a piece of advice that I would like to share with you today: climb the ladder! 

Let me begin by putting these words of wisdom into context. Like so many of you I served an LDS mission. When I got home from my two years of service, I felt uncertain as to what my next move should be... should I study to be a Doctor? Should I enter the world of business? Should I begin the process of becoming a Dentist? 

With so many directions to go and so many ideas in mind, my dad gave me some simple advice that has stuck with me ever since. He told me that no matter what I decided to do, the first step I should take is to find a ladder and climb it. I looked at him a bit confused, and then he continued. "In life I have learned that there are several different levels, and the only way to get from level one to level two is to climb a ladder in order to get there. It doesn't matter which ladder you take, but what is important is that you pick one a take it to the next level."

This simple advice led to a nice 20-30 minute conversation where he shared with me his journey to success. He too served a mission, then earned a degree in Chemical Engineering at BYU. He didn't love his work in Engineering, so he then earned his MBA. After years of schooling and a few small businesses started, he started a group that has blessed our lives and the lives of many over the last 30 years called SFW. Today he continues his work with SFW and is a prominent lobbyist in the state of Utah. 

This conversation helped me to understand that what you decide to study in college won't make or break you. There are plenty of opportunities ahead that will open up for you if you work hard and obey the commandments. 

Fast forward a year and a half and I am happily married to the most beautiful woman in the world. We have our own little apartment and are furthering our education at BYU. My plan is to study either Economics or Finance and I am excited for what the future holds.

Although I am only 3 semesters into my education here at BYU, I am happy and confident that my future is bright. Although I am uncertain at times, I have taken an aggressive path to climb the ladder from level one to level two. I plan on earning a degree as quick as possible while learning some important skills along the way.

I am confident that once I get to level two, I will find another series of ladders that will help me get to level three. As college kids I think that sometimes we worry that what we study will determine what we end up doing in life, but I say press forward with faith and climb the ladder... good things will come!

So my advice for you today is to pick a ladder, climb it well, and know that unknown and unseen opportunities await you.


  1. I would also like to add that by climbing a ladder, many other ladders appear. As we move up, we become more known and it will open up many more opportunities for the future.

  2. Wise words from a father. It is comforting in my mind that there is always another ladder to climb. The times in my life when I didn't feel like I was climbing a ladder were the times where I felt stagnant. I don't like feeling stagnant.
