Saturday, March 11, 2017

Week #9

The Early Bird Gets the Worm

This week Monika and I took a very spontaneous adventure. I took my math test on Wednesday night and after the test I was feeling pretty good. Monika was looking at old pictures when she saw a picture of us at Disneyland last year, so I decided we should probably go ahead and go to Disneyland this weekend. She asked if I was serious (probably 8-9 times) and I told her I was. Naturally, we packed that night and left at 5:30 AM the next morning. We made it to her see her family by 2:30 on Thursday afternoon and our trip was off to a good start. Friday we went to Disneyland, and it was a blast.

We arrived at the park at 10 AM, and we were able to do all of the fun rides at California Adventure in a matter of 3 hours. We stopped for lunch around 2:30 PM, and by the time lunch was over we noticed that the crowds had really started to build. Once people got done with school and work for the day they headed straight to the park, and by 5:00 PM the park was packed.

Monika and I were both grateful for the experience that we had early that day when lines were minimal. With that experience, we learned that the early bird gets the worm. Being productive in the first few hours of the day sets the tone for a productive rest of the day.  We did more rides in the first three hours of the day than we were able to do in the last seven hours of the day. After waking up early twice this week, I hope to continue to wake up early and get a good jump on the day. I believe that doing so will help me have more time to do the things that I enjoy and live a healthier lifestyle.

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