Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Week #8 Clean Apartment = Major Key

Many of you may be familiar with the 2016 trend started by DJ Khaled on his snapchat where he gives life tips which he refers to as "major keys"- today I share with you all one major key of my own. Today's lesson is that a clean apartment is a major key. 

When I was young I learned an important lesson that has stuck with me throughout the years. I learned that often times our surrounding environment is a reflection of the current status of our life. For example, a messy room may indicate that other things in your life are out of order. I am generally a very organized person, but at times when I get really busy with school I find that I don't have time to keep up on laundry, do the dishes, take out the trash, etc. 

Whether or not there is truly a correlation between the cleanliness of your room and how well you are doing in life is debatable, but after cleaning the apartment today together with my sweet wife Monika I can feel a difference. I had a great day of studying and the apartment is now clean. I cooked dinner, washed the dishes, and finished some more homework after that. It is such a simple thing, but taking the time to clean the environment around you will help you feel productive and put you in a position to succeed for the rest of the day.

I hope to continue to find a balance in my life as I juggle homework, home life, family life, and church life. I hope to keep my apartment clean and my life in order. If you are feeling down, just remember that warm weather is coming, that winter is almost over, and that having a clean apartment is a major key! 


  1. There is something to be said about a clean apartment. Lucky for me, my roommates are extremely neat people. I feel that my apartment is more like a home when it's clean and organized. That's nice that you worked together with your wife. I have heard that can be a major struggle when one person does all the work. Way to go!

  2. I feel ya. Cleaning and being productive always makes me feel like my life is way more in order. I'm going to try and keep everything clean and not procrastinate cleaning! Hopefully when I do this, I won't procrastinate other things in my life as well.

  3. great hook, and story. what other celebs do you follow?

  4. Haha! A clean room can definitely make everything better to yourself and to others! Thank you for sharing!

  5. An organized environment definitely makes a difference. By now I am used to my dog's toys everywhere. My issue is putting the laundry away. I have no issue washing or folding it, but I just hate putting it away, but every time I put it away it makes a big difference.
