Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Week #5- Hard Work

A good friend of mine once said "if hard work pays off the easy work is worthless." This idea about hard work is one that has stuck with me over many years, and is a quote that motivates me to work hard today.

Just this week I had an important math exam to take, and I was feeling a bit nervous. The test was our first of the semester, and I really wanted to do well. I started studying for the test late Monday night. I was able to review three small sections in chapter one before bed. The next day I went to my math class that ended at 10:45 AM, then went straight to the library. For the next seven hours after that I focused on taking practice exams, reviewing the new material, and doing practice problems in the book.

I was tempted to just give in and go take the test at several points during my studies. I spent all of last week preparing for tests and doing homework, and I was feeling a bit tired of studying. That being said, I knew that studying hard would bring me the result I was hoping for. I continued to study hard until it was time for me to go take the test.

After waiting in line for 45-55 minutes, (don't get me started on how I feel about testing center lines at BYU) I finally got my test. As I took my test I was grateful for each practice problem I studied, and felt the importance of preparing for the exam. I left the testing center feeling like I had done my best. To my surprise, I got 100% on my exam.

I know that the lesson I learned this week is one that is true in life; hard work pays off. We must be willing to put in the long hours necessary for success. With this experience I feel a renewed sense of dedication to my studies, and although I won't get test scores like that every time, I always want to do my best.

I encourage all of you who read this to give your best effort at everything you do. If you give your best effort, you can take comfort in knowing that you did your best and that there is nothing more that you could've done to prepare.


  1. Thanks for sharing that Kyle. I've always been one to try and find the point at which easy work turns into hard work and then stop there. But after hearing your example I'll definitely keep "If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless" in mind as I approach future objectives.

  2. I completely agree. I think too many people in life, once they find out how much work something requires, give up. They then don't reap the rewards in life. Unfortunately, they tend to blame those with lots of success as having "luck" rather than giving them the credit of working hard.
