Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Week #6- Customer Perception

This week I had a test in my Organizational Effectiveness class. The test was on the strategy section of our textbook. During my studies, I read a part in the book that talked about the idea that the determining factor of whether or not a product has value is decided by the customer. In other words, you may think that your product is great, but if the customer doesn't agree the sale won't be made.

I believe that there is a lesson to be learned here when it comes to relationships and life in general. For example, as a husband, I may think that I am doing everything I need to do in order to help my wife around the house. However, if she disagrees, can I really assume that I am doing enough?

Assuming that it is important to me that my wife feels like I am doing my part around the house, or that the product I am make really does provide value, I must receive approval from the customer.

I'm assuming by now you get the point, but I will illustrate this idea with one more example. A father gets home from work at 6:30 PM each night during the week. He comes home and gives his wife a kiss, and hugs his little kids. After that, he eats dinner, watches a bit of TV and then ties up a few more loose ends before he goes to bed. On the weekends, the father always makes time to play with his kids. In the eyes of the father, the time he makes for his kids on the weekend is enough.

Switching to the youngest sons point of view, he'd be happier if his Dad would play basketball just 15 minutes per night with him instead of spending hours together on the weekend. To the youngest son, his Dad isn't giving him enough attention during the week.

I hope I have done an adequate job expressing the lesson I learned this week, and to finish this post I present my key takeaways from this lesson:

1. Don't assume you're doing something right just because YOU think you are.
2. Love is spelled T-I-M-E

Make an effort to improve each day and spend time with those people you love. Go above and beyond and you will feel the happiness that comes from giving it your best effort. I have the goal to spend more time with my sweet wife outside of school and work, and to make better use of the time we get to spend with our families

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